Education CSR

Since its founding, TutorChapter has been a socially responsible organization, committed to active philanthropy in education. We strongly believe that the power of education in eradicating poverty and inequality cannot be underestimated.

Some of our education CSR activities that we would like to mention are
1. Donations made for BHUMI, CRY, India Dream Foundation, Earth Savior Foundation
2. Involvement as a volunteer organization with the Chennai based BHUMI for their Delhi event.
3. IT Support to

Our goal is to engage the International and local communities in which we operate our education CSR initiative. In this respect, we are looking for further partnerships with NGOs, in order to make education accessible to the underprivileged children.

We kindly invite everybody to contribute their efforts towards TutorChapter CSR. We are not asking you for financial aid, but only a few hours of your time for free online tutoring to the underprivileged.

Those willing to help may get involved in

Volunteering for a period of time ranging from a day to a few weeks or
Internships for a period of time ranging from a few weeks to a few months.

Each intern or volunteer will receive a Certificate of Participation from our educational NGO partner for the specific activity in which he/she contributed.

If you are willing to join us in our online tutoring CSR activities, please share with us your skills and experience or meet us in person or please feel free to email us at

Note: TutorChapter is not a registered NGO, but we partner with educational NGOs for education CSR activities.